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Best SEO Practices For Home Page

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More the conversion rates and more the revenue. But it’s not that easy to attain high conversion rates merely by the use of home pages and marketing funnels. Rather it’s a lengthy process that needs amalgamation of right art and science, to achieve perfect home pages. SEO knows that art! So don’t worry and follow few rules to get ideal landing pages offered by SEO, for instance,

  • Well written grabbing headlines
  • Perfect sales language from a marketing expert
  • Consumer centric design

Seamless landing pages are necessary for greater bounce rates as they collect data of your target audience which further provides related useful information. Following is a checklist for instantly increasing conversion rates.


SEO brand’s flawless checklist for boosting conversion rates

Prompt an immediate response

If your target audience is unable to know, where to lead, after viewing your landing page it means you have worthless call to action, because only a compelling call to action like entering an email or calling a number, prompts an immediate response. You need to place call to action in first two paragraphs of your home page, this will facilitate your audience in making quick and easy decision. 


Key Audience

Give your audience one vivid call to action. For instance if you want your audience to view your monthly digest, there should be one call to action (sign up for our digest, buy our digest or give a call to our sales team/manager). As too many cooks spoil the broth, too many choices would confuse your consumer. Not only your ‘call to action’, but also, all the content on your landing page, should have one sale oriented message. Likewise there should be one simple design of landing page as it will save the users from ambiguity and vagueness.


Social proof

As per diffusion of innovation theory, early adopters incite the rest to become early majority adopters, so highlight the recommendations of early adopters for more sales. Because people look for social proof or recommendations for what is being bought. Add customer testimonials and reviews briefly, on the landing page for this purpose.


Usability of landing page

Lastly, check whether your homepage works the way you desire or not? Make sure that your team ensures usability of your landing page through various platforms i.e., laptop mobiles and desktops. For instance if your goal was to get email for your digest, ask your testing team to do it before your landing page goes live. If it doesn’t work, wrap it up! as it needs to be resolved first by your IT experts.


Boosting conversion rates

As per the marketing funnel, an SEO digital marketing brand knows the worth of landing pages. It’s a part and parcel of your business amplification, from landing to your page to the moment of purchase. So stand out and stand tall by contacting our team for more information about boosting conversion rates of your landing pages.