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Outsourcing Dilemma: Agency vs. Freelancer vs. Hybrid – Which is Right for Moobila? 

Every firm in today’s fast-paced digital environment must make a critical marketing choice: Should they look at outsourcing or keep everything in-house? We at Moobila are very aware of this predicament. We’ve wrestled with the same issues you may be having at the moment as a developing business in the digital industry. This guide thoroughly looks into outsourcing marketing, talking about the good and bad of using agencies, freelancers, or a mix of both. By the blog’s end, you’ll know the best option for your needs.

The Outsourcing Landscape: A Bird’s Eye View

Before specifics, let’s understand the current marketing outsourcing state. According to a recent study by Deloitte, 59% of businesses outsource their marketing activities to cut costs, while 57% do so to focus on core business functions. The outsourcing industry is booming and isn’t slowing down at all! Grand View Research estimates that the global market might reach a staggering $405.6 billion by 2027. I suppose you should use caution in that regard!

Gaining specialized talents without incurring the expense of a full-time internal workforce is an alluring feature of outsourcing for companies. But how can you pick the best course when there are so many possibilities available? Let us make each technique simpler:

  1. Hiring a Marketing Agency
  2. Working with Freelance Marketers
  3. The Hybrid Approach: Combining In-House and Outsourced Talent

Option 1: Hiring a Marketing Agency

Working with an agency was Moobila’s first priority when we decided to outsource our marketing. Here’s why:

Pros of Working with a Marketing Agency

  1. Depth of Expertise: A varied group of experts, each contributing their distinct set of talents, is usually employed by agencies. This implies that you will receive a master in each field of marketing rather than just a jack-of-all-trades.
  2. Scalability and Flexibility: Agencies are able to immediately adjust their efforts to meet your demands when your firm expands or experiences seasonal changes.
  3. Industry Insights: Numerous agencies have industry-specific specializations, which helps them deliver best practices and insightful information to your campaigns.
  4. Access to Advanced Tools: The premium marketing tools and technologies that agencies frequently subscribe to may be prohibitively expensive for individual firms.
  5. Consistent Output: Your account will be handled by a team of experts, so you can bet on consistent, excellent marketing strategies and content.

Cons of Working with a Marketing Agency

  1. Higher Costs: Since agency services are frequently expensive, smaller companies and startups may find it difficult to afford them.
  2. Less Control: Compared to an internal team, you can have less direct influence over regular marketing initiatives.
  3. Potential for Miscommunication: Envision engaging in a game of telephone wherein your company’s vision is at stake. You could wind up with something very different from what you had in mind if there isn’t clear communication.
  4. Less Brand Intimacy: It could take longer for external teams to completely comprehend and represent your brand’s values and voice.

Option 2: Working with Freelance Marketers

Pros of Hiring Freelance Marketers

  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Because they frequently have fewer overhead expenses, freelancers can offer their clients more reasonable pricing.
  2. Specialized Expertise: For your project, you might choose independent contractors who possess particular expertise.
  3. Flexibility: Freelancers provide flexible work options, suitable for short-term projects.
  4. Direct Communication: Direct communication with independent contractors can result in more individualized care and faster turnaround times.

Cons of Hiring Freelance Marketers

  1. Inconsistent Availability: The availability of freelancers could fluctuate because of their numerous clientele.
  2. Quality Control Challenges: It could take more time to manage and screen freelancers without the agency’s monitoring to guarantee a constant level of quality.
  3. Limited Scalability: Managing a big staff of freelancers can get complicated and time-consuming as your marketing needs increase.
  4. Potential for Miscommunication: It can be difficult to manage several independent contractors across several time zones and communication channels.

Option 3: The Hybrid Approach

At Moobila, we ultimately decided on offering a hybrid strategy that combined the advantages of hiring experienced outside experts with internal talent. This is the reason this model can work so well:

Pros of the Hybrid Approach

  1. Best of Both Worlds: For brand continuity, you keep a core internal staff in place and call upon specialist expertise as needed.
  2. Increased Flexibility: Simply change the proportion of in-house and outsourced resources to scale your marketing initiatives up or down.
  3. Cost-Effective Scalability: Increase your marketing capacity without taking on full-time staffing’s long-term commitment.
  4. Balanced Control: Retain control over your marketing plan while gaining insight and knowledge from outside sources.

Cons of the Hybrid Approach

  1. Complex Management: Outstanding project management abilities are necessary for liaising between internal and external teams.
  2. Potential for Overlap: To prevent wasting time and resources on both internal and external resources, clearly defined roles are essential.
  3. Cultural Integration Challenges: It might be challenging to guarantee that both internal and external team members adhere to the same culture.

Making the Right Choice for Your Business

So, how do you decide which approach is right for your company?

  1. Assess Your Current Marketing Capabilities: Take a hard look at your existing team’s strengths and weaknesses. Where are the gaps?
  2. Define Your Marketing Goals: What are you trying to achieve? Rapid growth? Brand awareness? Product launches?
  3. Consider Your Budget: Be realistic about what you can afford in the short and long term.
  4. Evaluate Your Industry: Some sectors may benefit more from specialized agency expertise, while others might do well with a flexible freelance approach.
  5. Think About Your Company Culture: Will your team work well with outsourced partners, or is there a strong preference for in-house control?
  6. Plan for the Future: Consider not just your current needs, but where you want your business to be in 1, 3, or 5 years.

The Moobila Experience: Our Hybrid Success Story

At Moobila, we ultimately decided on a hybrid approach that has served us well. We maintained a core in-house marketing team responsible for overall strategy, brand management, and day-to-day operations. This team ensures that our marketing efforts always align with our company’s vision and values.

To complement our in-house talent, we partnered with a specialized agency for our social media and content marketing efforts. Their expertise in these rapidly evolving fields has been invaluable, helping us stay ahead of trends and reach new audiences.

Additionally, we work with a network of freelance designers and copywriters who can quickly scale up our content production during busy periods or for special projects.

This hybrid model has allowed us to maintain control over our brand identity while leveraging external expertise to drive growth and innovation. It’s given us the flexibility to adapt to market changes quickly and the scalability to support our expanding business.

There’s No One-Size-Fits-All Solution

The truth is, there’s no universal answer to the outsourcing dilemma. What works for one may not be the perfect solution for your business. The key is to carefully assess your needs, resources, and goals to find the right balance.

Whether you choose to work with an agency, hire freelancers, or adopt a hybrid approach, remember that success ultimately comes down to clear communication, strong relationships, and a shared commitment to achieving your marketing objectives.

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? 

At Moobila, we’re always happy to share our experiences and insights. Visit to learn more about how we’ve navigated the challenges of growth and marketing outsourcing. 

Let’s connect and explore how we can help you find your perfect marketing solution!


Senior Content Lead at Moobila. We turn your business into a brand using creative wordsmith wisdom and strategic SEO optimization so your story is equally loved by Google and people.